Billy Snow
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LG T-Commerce

In early 2012, Fluid teamed up with LG electronics brand to begin work on designing out a Smart TV Shopping platform. This platform was not in existence and had led to months of research, design and development in order to conceive this experience. The idea was to transform how User's watch TV and incorporate a seamless shopping experience into their ordinary viewing programs.  


UX Designer





March 2012


Research, Information Architecture, User Flows, Wireframes, Annotations,
User Testing

Information Architecture 

After stakeholder interviews, research, and previous e-commerce experience this is the IA we landed on that drove the 


LG approached Fluid with a goal to create a new way of shopping. Imagine you're watching your favorite TV show, and one of the actors is wearing something that you like. During a commercial, you can bring up the T-commerce platform and find the exact or a similar item and purchase it all before the show comes back. It was an opportunity to reimagine how customers shopped.


Design Process

We began by doing market research on products that used TV as a conduit for tasks such as Netflix, X-Box Live, Facebook, etc. and on SmartTv's in general. We worked closely with the LG team located in Korea and came up with the ideal IA and user flows for how clients would navigate the platform. Afterwards, we began drafting up designs and going through rounds of user testing to validate our concepts.



Initial user whiteboard user flows and case studies of other TV technologies (i.e. XBox Live registration flow).

User Journey Flows

We came together as a team to figure out what the ideal flows of this new experience would look like from creating your profile, 


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